Monday, September 6, 2010


a few day lepas,
me and ayu and lina went to KLCC to break fast,
and while we're waiting for maghrib, we decided to watch a movie instead,
pilihan utama adalah STEP UP 3,
but then again, the time is at 4pm, toooooo long for us to wait sebab bila mata tengok jam baru pukul 2 lebih.
sooooooooooo not cool nak tunggu lama-lama just for a movie.
then, we decided tengok grown ups and tiba-tiba hati nakal pula nak tonton king of fighters.

so, my comment towards this is movie is POOP!
means movie ni TAHI!
means movie ni teruk!
sangat teruk!
dah la gambar gelap, macam tengok cd cetak rompak pun ada.
skrip macam budak darjah enam yang tuliskan.
graphic gambra dan semuanya menggambarkan orang tingkatan empat buat.
king of fighters shud be a great movie!
instead,its the dumbest movie ever!
dah la melayang my rm11.
pissed off gila with this and we go to buka puasa sambil umpat sumpah seranah the movie.
and selama i pegi tengok wayang, i NEVER...i repeat, i NEVER fall asleep in a movie theatre before.
and went we're watching, i actually fall asleep dengan enaknya and bila wake up pun sebab Lina terlanggar my elbow and terkejut kejap and buat-buat tengok the whole movie.
macam tu sekali boringya that movie.

p/s: lepas ni nak tengok resident evil and i hope its worth it!

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