Wednesday, September 29, 2010


badan sakit-sakit.
kepala sakit.
kaki sakit.
ya allah!
simptom orang tua sangat!
now, telinga dah immune bila kawan-kawan baik yang ajak melepak weekends ejek that i am nepalian and even nepalian pun akan cuti masa weekend!
that's true sangat!
what to do, dapat cuti masa weekend adalah agak mustahil, sebab my job ni selalu melawan norma kehidupan.
nak lepak dengan kawan masa weekend haruslah dilupakan sahaja niat suci murni tu.
yang bestnya, walaupun my besties asyik mengejek, but, they are my biggest supporter ever!

so, now,
kepala pening sebab gaji bulan ni macam tak seperti dijangkakan, since im just finished my training period.
so, tak dapat full sangat lagi.
duit sewa.
duit train.
duit taxi.
duit makan.
duit jimba.
duit nak beli barang keperluan.
duit duit duit.

if duduk ngan parents, sudah dapat banyak save di situ!
itulah sebabnya selalu jeles pada yang duduk dengan parents di kota KL ni!
ayat nak novel sajo.
apa-apa pun, im grateful i actually have a job walaupun ada ramai yang di luar sana masih lagi menganggur and i have a job!
thankfull sangat!

customer: awak tahu tak sebab sayalah awak dapat gaji bulan-bulan.kalau saya tak bayar bulan-bulan, awak kebulur!
saya: ye encik. betul tu.
customer: bodoh!

itulah dia converstion between me and customer streamyx yang budiman.
i know and paham marah-marah sebab line sucks, tapi, can u be polite for once?
susah ke?
bila im the customer, i can never be like that! NEVER!
some people and their attitude, si konon yang baru bayar rm60 for 512 punya speed sudah kecoh macam tu, can u imagine yang bayar rm160 for 4mbp??? bayangkan!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


since i can call myself a working angel now,
the schedule of my work keeps me busy 24-7,
the stress,
the tiredness,
cannot be compared when im studying dulu,
but then again, when we study, duit sentiasa senteng yang selalu menyebabkan kita pening kepala
dan stress tak memasal sebab bila ingin berlibur bersama kawan haruslah fikir 7 kali untuk mahu keluar bersama atau hanya gigit jari duduk dalam bilik diam-diam!

so, tujuan me menulis dalam blog today is because wanna share a little bit about my work yang i love so oh damn much! T_T
first thing first,
nak cakap pasal cuti,
i didnt get any raya cuti this year and thats enuff to make me sad for eternity!
i didnt balik raya and my mumu dah nangis samarinda when i called her and told her about that!
then, cuti weekly.
i didnt get any cuti like normal office hour people which is weekend tu kan....
my cuti wud be on weekdays!and JARANG sekali akan dapat on weekends!
and plus i didnt get any double holidays.
which is for example, thurs and friday ke...or weds and thurs ke...nope!
i akan dapat single punya cuti for two days!
faham tak?
for example, for one week kan akan dapat 2 kali cuti kan?
so, im just getting mon dan doubles yang membolehkan me go home to my mumu!
akan dapat tapi JARANG! hari tu suka dia la nak ubah-ubah.
enuff about cuti yang dah boleh i nak nangis air mata darah, but, overall i love my job sebenarnya!

people selalu cakap, bosan kalau pegi keje menghadap muka yang bosan everyday!
not for me.
thats the best part about my job!
the people around me!
they are amazing people!
the environment pun awesome!
like seriously!
sangat best!
and experience bila keje tu yang i will cherish all my life!
my job can drive me crazy sometimes bila ada customer yang highly demanding and rude, and never consider others feelings, BUT, other customers yang considerate and very sweet tu yang akan bayar balik for all those rude customers yang macam hampas tu!
then my bad day akan turn around jadi best semula.
the unexpected things about my job pun rasanya takkan dapat mana-mana bila cari kerja tempat lain.
tipulah bila i said this is my dream job!
my dream job is wanna get employed by BIG TREE.
advertising company yang best and awesome tu.
but, i have to hold that dream since that company demand a very skilled communicator!
im practising la ni!
takpe..takkan lari gunung dikejar,i believe kalau ada rezeki tak kemana!

so, folks!
overall, my job demand a very big sacrifices in terms of time and energy from me!
i dun mind the energy but i do mind about the time!
i really need all the time in the world to spend every second of it with my mum!
dah serik tak dapat nak spend banyak masa with my late dad since im busy studying in that far far far away land called SEGAMAT.
so, this time around, memang tekad nak spent most of my time dengan mak.
for those yang dah pernah rasa kehilangan, akan faham what im talking about.
bukan kehilangan boyfren or girlfren okay!
so not cool bila nak bandingkan hilang boyfriend adala SAMA dengan kehilangan seorang ayah!
TAK SAMA okay fools!
thats it for now!
please pray that i can hold to this job and can be what im wanna be someday.

p/s: since i started working, macam-macam penyakit yang datang meyerang, high fever with full package flu and cough, sakit perut and sakit kepala. lepas ni? kesabaran yang menggunung diperlukan. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


a few day lepas,
me and ayu and lina went to KLCC to break fast,
and while we're waiting for maghrib, we decided to watch a movie instead,
pilihan utama adalah STEP UP 3,
but then again, the time is at 4pm, toooooo long for us to wait sebab bila mata tengok jam baru pukul 2 lebih.
sooooooooooo not cool nak tunggu lama-lama just for a movie.
then, we decided tengok grown ups and tiba-tiba hati nakal pula nak tonton king of fighters.

so, my comment towards this is movie is POOP!
means movie ni TAHI!
means movie ni teruk!
sangat teruk!
dah la gambar gelap, macam tengok cd cetak rompak pun ada.
skrip macam budak darjah enam yang tuliskan.
graphic gambra dan semuanya menggambarkan orang tingkatan empat buat.
king of fighters shud be a great movie!
instead,its the dumbest movie ever!
dah la melayang my rm11.
pissed off gila with this and we go to buka puasa sambil umpat sumpah seranah the movie.
and selama i pegi tengok wayang, i NEVER...i repeat, i NEVER fall asleep in a movie theatre before.
and went we're watching, i actually fall asleep dengan enaknya and bila wake up pun sebab Lina terlanggar my elbow and terkejut kejap and buat-buat tengok the whole movie.
macam tu sekali boringya that movie.

p/s: lepas ni nak tengok resident evil and i hope its worth it!