Thursday, July 23, 2009


tak boleh marah...
tak boleh sedih...
tak boleh emo...
tak boleh sakit...
tak boleh nangis...
tak boleh jerit...
tak boleh confront...
tak boleh lelapkan mata...
tak boleh duduk diam...
tak boleh rasa terharu...
tak boleh cakap....
tak boleh nyatakan pendapat...
tak boleh ada kawan...
tak boleh segalanya!!!!!
current mood : mysterious

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


i've watched michael jackson's memorial day on tv just now..
i have to admit that eventhough im not his biggest really breaks my heart when i saw like a gazillion people wish their good bye in so many ways...
the most touching part of all is when his daughter wished her father really make me and ewin cry like crazy..
but, the weirdest thing is...when jacko is alive..i never even bother to watch any of his vid clips or show any interest in any of his songs because for me, but, after he's gone,i found myself watching his vid clips and amazed with every dance move that he make..
that guy really a legend...

Yang pastinya, that guy sangat hebat and nobody will ever replace him..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


so, im back to my study land, segamat..

what can i say...*sigh*
semua orang keep on saying yang semester last gonna be the greatest semester ever!
well...agak setuju dengan that saying...but..bagi saya personally its gonna be something that i will cherish for the rest of my life.
despite of what happen, it still kenangan yang indah.
bukan semua yang jadi tu jahat or bad...saya ambil secara positif dan ia akan jadi sesuatu yang menyukakan hati saya..err....*bahasa melayu agak skema dan terabur*
so...past few quite re;ieved with what happen in my life...
and i lost so many...and i found a few..
agak teruja dengan kehidupan yang akan ditempuhi after my study here in segamat~
but then again...i will always welcome new things in my lofe...wooohooo~